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#293924 - Jose Pepe was another tragic story, his folks were not rich but they weren’t poor either, their problem resided in heavy drinking, they'd usually drink and drive but that night the father and mother had drank not enough to pass out but just enough to ignore the red light and stamp them both against that truck, Pepe arrived then at the age of 3 to the convent, he had grown to be a skinny bookworm, he loved to read and was good at remembering the things he read, he once read a first aid book and aided Tavo on a injury, since then they became good friends. Introductions: this is the story of Gustavo and Jose, 2 eleven year old boys living in a despot convent nursing home and the story of their escaping; it is set in a small town in Mexico, no state given as it is fiction, let us start with the description of the boys: Gustavo Tavo was abandoned when baby in a basket in front of the convent, kind of clich?ut it happened, the mom was kind enough to leave the birth act, when the p

Read Francaise (COMIC1☆11) [Nijutteya (Youta)] Nijutteya-01 Konosuba Minna de Love Hame Hon | Nijutteya-01 Screwing everyone from Konosuba with love book (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Syukufuku o!) [English] [animefan71109] - Kono subarashii sekai ni syukufuk Nijutteya01 Screwing everyone from Konosuba with love book

Most commented on Francaise (COMIC1☆11) [Nijutteya (Youta)] Nijutteya-01 Konosuba Minna de Love Hame Hon | Nijutteya-01 Screwing everyone from Konosuba with love book (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Syukufuku o!) [English] [animefan71109] - Kono subarashii sekai ni syukufuk

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