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#79291 - Ever since I can remember I have always sniffed my older sister Julies worn panties, whenever she took a shower or bath I would run into her bedroom and grab the panties she had just taken off. The White cotton gusset of her panties was quite crispy with a few of her pubic hairs stuck in the middle of it. All the while this was happening I was still pulling my foreskin back and forth but a lot faster now and I knew that if I continued for much longer I would make myself cum so I continued to finger Julie and get my fingers nicely coated in her goo and take them out of her and place them in my mouth and lick her juices off, I continued to do this for about another ten minutes and then I knew I was going to cum but I did not want to stop fingering Julie but where was I going to cum? I was so tempted to place my cock on her lips and shoot it over her face but I thought that was pushing it too far so I aimed just to the right of her cheek and started to spunk over her pillow only

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